Sunday, December 14, 2014

Essence of Christmas

          Cool breeze......... Lanterns and Christmas lights on the streets. Christmas trees. When we feel or see those things, it only means that Christmas is near.
          Christmas......... When I heard this word, it reminds me the birth-date of our savior Jesus  Christ. At this point, everyone seems to be excited on that day. There's an essence of celebrating Christmas.
          First is love. We need to love our neighbors whole heart as we love ourselves. Forgive those who have sinned against you. If God can forgive, why people can't? Forget their sins and start a happy memories with them. Everybody deserves a second and last chance. Lower your pride.
          Second is the essence of giving. We have a quotation, " share your blessings." Did you know that giving is more blissful than receiving? Well, that's the meaning of this quotation, "it is more blessed to give than to receive." If we had that grace, share it with other people that are in need. Don't be greedy.
          The essence of Christmas are loving others, forgiving and forgetting and giving. We must have this essence to feel the happiness of celebrating Christmas. 

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Climate Change

          Different areas on earth have different climates. If you have been to other places in the Philippines, you may have noticed a similarity in the weather over an extended period of time. This weather is due to the location of the Philippines. The Philippines is in the tropical zone close to the equator. Hence, it receives direct rays from the sun, This produces a warm climate. Areas far from the equator have cooler climates.
          Can climate change? Scientists claimed that the climate of the earth thousands of years ago was different from the climate at present. There are factors that caused the climate to change.
          Major climate changes are caused by the slow drifting of the continents, changes in the sun's energy output and variations in the position of the earth in relation to the sun.