Monday, July 7, 2014

A Letter to the President of the Philippines

                                                                                               Busiing Cen-Sur, San Ildefonso,
                                                                                               Ilocos Sur
                                                                                               June 30, 2014

Dear Mr. President,

               It is my pleasure to write you a letter. I am just a simple girl who has a very big dreams in life. I am a fourth year student enrolled in Ilocos Sur National High School. I would like to tell you my opinions about the happenings in our country now. You should put your attention about the problems in garlic, rice and etc. That pork barrel scam is such a useless thing to tackle on. It is a long process to deal with it. Put first your attention to our economic problems before that pork barrel scam. 
              I hope you'll understand my opinions. Thank you and God Bless!

                                                                                              Sincerely yours,
                                                                                              Cathrine Joyce Revibes

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