Tuesday, October 14, 2014

My Teacher, My Hero

My Teacher, My Hero!

               Have you ever asked these questions to yourself? Who was it that risked her life that she might give that knowledge to me? Who was it that braved a thousand storms that sheltered it might be?
               A teacher does it for me. A teacher that bears you're pains and sorrows. A teacher that trusts and stands by you always. A teacher that acts a second mother in school. 
               When I was a sophomore, I met this beautiful, young and charming teacher.At the  first place, I was shy and scared to her. But as days passed by, that shy and frightfulness to her was dissolving. We became close to each other. When I have a problems, her shoulders are always there to cry or lean on. She gives me advice's and confrontations. She's an angel in disguise.
              I am very thankful to have her in my life. She's the best teacher I've ever met. She's one of a kind of a hero.

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