Friday, October 17, 2014


               Problems are the things that we don't want to come but we could not force it not to come. No one can predict it. But in some sights, were the one who creates problems in our lives.
               On this second quarter, a big problem devastated my life. It was the death of my great grandmother. This happening ruined my whole life. I was absent for how many days because I could not go over with it. It was hard for me to accept. Because of this matter, my studies were affected so much. I have missed many quizzes. It was hard for me to coped up with the lessons. I could not pass my projects on time in the fact that I am bothered of all the bad happenings in my life. As days passed by, second quarter exam is coming nearer and my notes were incomplete. I was worried at that time because I could not make it on a short period of time. I felt down. I could not see hope.
              But as time passed by, I just then realized that having problems was not the reason to felt down. Problems can cheer you up. You'll learned lessons on it. They were just challenges in our lives. Accept it and move on.

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